Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I know, I'm bad at writing in this stupid thing

I swam with sharks yesterday.

That statement sounds SO COOL.
But the real story is that I swam with sharks, had a panic attack, choked on salt water and then swam so fast that I couldn't really focus on the sharks and fish that were swimming below me. I didn't need a life guard or anything, I totally played it cool. The funny part was that in the end I was more scared AFTER it had happened then before. I don't think i'll do it again because before I did it I was not really aware of what it would be like.

Either way!
I totally body surfed on 6ft waves as well (which was really cool but in the end I kept loosing my bathing suit)

It was awesome because me and Ashley bought a underwater camera. We're really looking forward to the pictures. We may even go back next Monday!

I'm still pretty sure that I will be going home on the 27th of November.
I have great moments like this where I say "Why would I leave this place?!"
But the only time I have moments like that is when I feel like I'm on vacation.
When I am here at home or at work or out anywhere I feel like I shouldn't be here.

All vacations have to end. Mine just exists 2 days a week.
I can't deal with only being happy when I have plans on one of those two days.

Things have gotten so much better since I thought about going home.
I've just had some back luck. The moment I got over my bronchitis, I got a bad back. My back has been so bad for 2 weeks. Now that my back is starting to get better, I have a really bad pain in my ear.

I know I will eventually come back here again.
I'm enjoying my time so much now that I know I may be going home.
Either way...this is just a little update.
I'll post a few pictures (not from shark day)
and write later.

love you all!


Anonymous said...

Tracey, I support you in any decision you make! I just want you to be happy, and if that means you wanna go home because it's right for you then I'm happy for you! =)

I'm still a little sketchy on the details though, because I thought you were under a contract of some sort, or was I mistaken?

Either way, I'm going to call you soon! I thought about calling you today..but then I got lazy and started watching Angel. Darn me for being such a giant fan of the Buffyverse...

Anyways, I'm sure you'll explain everything clearly the next time we talk!


Anonymous said...

I read your blogs most days and can certainly relate to your being home sick, i was there one time.The feeling does subside but never goes completely away. We care about you very much, and will look forward to seeing you in the spring. if you come home i hope to see you then, love always
Howie, Sharron and Brooke

Anonymous said...

Want to chat? I can buy a phone card.
I love you muchly and just hope that you do what makes you happy.